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What Makes Konkan Mangoes a Premium Type of Mango?

Konkan Mango a Premium Type of Mango

We all love Konkan Mangoes. There is a huge variety of Konkan mangoes right from Hapus (Alphonso) to Payri, Kesar, Badam, and much more. Be it any type of mango, there is something soothing about the mangoes in Konkan. The aroma, the juiciness, the taste, and everything about the fruit is enchanting.

Millions of people order Konkan mangoes online every year from India as well as foreign lands. Wonder what makes Konkan Mangoes premium? Wonder what is there in Konkan mangoes that even mango lovers from US & Europe cannot resist ordering Konkan mangoes online? Let’s check out.

What Makes Konkan Mangoes a Premium Type of Mango?

1. Rich in an environment suitable for mangoes

Though the nature of mango fruit is flexible and it can grow in any environment, there is a certain type of environment that is suitable for mangoes.

The land & soil of Konkan is considered the best suitable for mango farming. Since salty, alkaline, rocky, and water-filled land is the best suited for mangoes, it is needless to say that Konkan is the right place where you can find this exact type of land.

Mango trees do not need much water for irrigation and can be watered after every 15-20 days. Konkan, having plenty of water and is known for growing many other fruits as well, is definitely suitable for Mango Farming.

2. Organic farming

Another reason why Konkan raja mango is considered the premium mango among all is the organic farming culture of Konkan. Konkani farmers producing mangoes of every form prefer organic & natural ways of farming.

Most mango farmers around the world use chemical fertilizers & pesticides. But in Konkan, you will see a large number of farmers using organic fertilizers, Farmyard manure, vermicompost, etc.

Many mango lovers around the world prefer organic mangoes while ordering online. Many claims that the mangoes are organic or produced in a natural manner, but to confirm before ordering mangoes online, do look for this certification- Organic Farming Certification by National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP).

3. High farming cost

Since Konkan is the most suitable & popular place for mango farming, the cost of lands suitable for farming in Konkan is higher than in the other parts of the state. The cost of 1kg mango is INR 100. 1 acre of land can easily produce 2.5 to 3 tonnes of mangoes. Making the cost INR 2,70,000.

If the land is newly turned into organic farming land, the expenses of purifying the land and extracting out all the chemical-based elements present in the soil cost a lot. Also, the cost of accreditation ranges from INR 2,00,000 to INR 3,50,000.

4. Low supply & high demand

As mentioned at the beginning of this blog, mangoes are loved by everyone! There are thousands of mango lovers in foreign lands as well. It is needless to say that the price offered to Konkan Mangoes in foreign countries is way higher than what they get in India. Also, there are various Government Policies supporting farmers to export their unique & quality productions outside India.

In India, every mango lover prefers Konkan Mangoes over other areas due to obvious reasons- quality, taste, aroma, naturally produced & ripened, etc. Considering this higher mango demand & comparatively low supply, the mangoes in Konkan ultimately fall under the Premium Category of Mangoes.


Now that you know what makes Konkan Mango a premium type of mango, are you looking forward to ordering Konkan raja mango online? If yes, then check out Konkan Mango- an online store that delivers fresh, juicy, tasty, & natural Konkan mangoes at your doorstep at affordable prices. The premium Konkan Mangoes for all!

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How to Detect Artificially Ripened Mangoes vs Naturally Ripened Mangoes?

Naturally Ripened Mango

Mango season is here or shall we say Konkan mango season is here. Konkan mangoes are popular all over India & foreign lands as well. Every Konkan mango lover waits for the Summer season to taste the authentic Konkan Raja mangoes. But since many vendors in the market offer non-Konkani Mangoes, the number of artificially ripened mangoes is increasing. It becomes difficult for mango lovers to identify naturally Ripened Mangos.

Did you know that artificially ripened mangoes can cause severe harm to your body? It can lead to stomach ulcers, loss of appetite, insomnia, cancer, gastric problems, diarrhea, skin rashes, etc. The commonly used chemical for ripening mangoes naturally is known as Calcium Carbide which fastens the process of mango ripening.

In this blog, we are going to share some easy tips to detect artificially ripened mangoes vs naturally ripened mangoes.

1. Bucket trick

It is believed that placing mangoes in a bucket full of water helps you identify whether the mangoes are artificially ripened or naturally ripened. Wonder how? The artificially ripened mangoes will float on the top while naturally ripened mangoes will sink in the water.

2. Watch carefully

The color of mangoes can tell a lot about how naturally the mangoes are ripened. If there is an even yellow color all over the fruit, it is most likely ripened artificially. Naturally ripened mangoes have different shades of colors. To be precise, an original Alphonso Konkan Mango is a bit green on the top, yellow in the middle, and orange on the bottom side.

3. Feel it

Artificially ripened mangoes have smooth textures whereas naturally ripened mangoes have wrinkles. If the skin of mango feels like a filtered image; soft & tight, it is most likely ripened artificially. Naturally ripened mangoes have wrinkles as the skin matures during the process of ripening.

4. Aroma

Naturally ripened mangoes have a distinct aroma that can be smelled from a long distance as well. Artificially ripened mangoes lack that authentic aroma and hardly smell like mango.

5. The taste says it all

Though you’ll get to know after eating, at least you can change the vendor in this case. Artificially ripened mangoes taste bland and do not have as much sweetness that natural mangoes have. After eating artificially ripened mangoes, mango lovers might feel a sense of irritation in their throats. You might also feel burning or tingling sensations in the throat. Since mangoes naturally are warm for your bodies, artificially ripened mangoes might increase the heat causing gasses or acidity.


Mangoes are love. And love should not be artificial. With these amazing tips, identify the difference between artificially ripened mangoes & naturally ripened mangoes. Make sure you buy naturally ripened mangoes from a trusted online store. If you are looking for authentic Konkani Mangoes ripened naturally that too at affordable prices, check Konkan Mango, an online store that delivers Mangoes from Konkan directly to your doorstep.

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How to ripen Konkan Mangoes naturally?

how to ripen mangoes

Summer is here! Despite unbearable heat & extreme temperatures, summer brings a bunch of joy every year. The joy is school holidays for kids, enjoying summer vacations, unlimited ice cream parties, late-night walks to catch some cold breezes, and most importantly, MANGOES!!

We all await this time of the year with the hope of eating loads of mango dishes. Filling our tummies with delicious mango milkshakes, mango ice creams, mango barfis, & the list goes on Since entire India awaits this season just to devour on mangoes, the demand for mangoes has always seen a hiking graph. To fulfill the demand in the market, to beat the competition, & to gain maximum profits, many sellers rush the natural ripening process by using artificial solutions.

Most of the fruit distributors & farmers use calcium carbide and 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid. In artificial ripening, the natural process of fruit ripening is mimicked using chemicals. The artificial chemicals decompose ethylene which is involved in fruit ripening. Needless to say, these chemicals are harmful to human bodies.

There can be extreme side effects of such artificial ripening chemicals on our body that may include burning sensation in the chest, skin rashes, poor eyesight, throat irritation, nose irritation, etc.

Since mangoes are favorites of kids to elders, it is important to check whether the fruit is naturally ripened or not. There are multiple standard-defined methods for Konkan mango ripening. Before we start with how to ripen mangoes quickly at home, here is a small tip- if you are ordering Konkan mangoes online, make sure you select raw mangoes or semi-raw mangoes. Our Konkan Mangoes online store for mangoes offers semi-ripened fruits to allow customers to ripen them at home in their suitable way.

How to Ripen Mangoes Quickly at Home

1. Use Hay

One of the rawest methods of ripening unripe Konkan mangoes is to put them in the hay. Hay is dried grass. You can get hay easily from a nearby garden or playground. You can also buy hay! The mangoes then emit ethylene which fastens the process of ripening.

2. Put in a Paper Bag

This is one super convenient way to ripen the mangoes in a natural way. Simply put the mangoes in a paper bag and leave those mangoes overnight. Check whether the mangoes are emitting a fruity sweet fragrance and if they are softened. If not, place them in the paper bag for one more day.

3. Put it in Uncooked Rice

You must have heard this from your mother or grandmother. Any unripe fruit can be ripened by placing it in a box of uncooked rice. Uncooked rice traps ethylene gas and boosts the process of natural ripening. Make sure you check on the mangoes after every 8 hours to track the ripening progress. If you forget to check the ripening progress and keep mangoes for too long, you might end up getting bad mangoes as well as bad rice!

4. Wait & Watch

Even if you do not have hay or a paper bag, you can still ripen the mangoes naturally. Simply place all the mangoes on the kitchen shelf and let them ripen at room temperature naturally. Make sure you maintain a small gap between each mango so that even if any mango goes bad, it won’t affect other mangoes. Also, note that placing unripe mangoes in the refrigerator can slow down the ripening speed. Hence, when all Konkan mangoes are ripe & semi-ripe, you can place the semi-ripe mangoes in the refrigerator.


Though ripening Konkan mangoes naturally is a fun & exciting thing to do, it involves a lot of effort. To get rid of these efforts, you can simply purchase authentic Konkan Mangoes online and get naturally ripened mangoes. Order from Konkan Mangoes and receive tasty, juicy, chemical-free, & ripened in hay Konkan Mangoes. Click here to place your order today.