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Best 4 Raw Mango Instant Recipes

4 Raw Mango Instant Recipes

Raw mangoes popularly known as Kairi, are tangy in taste and green in color. A bit of hard pulp of Kairi has a strong taste and can be consumed as a sider with any Indian traditional dish.

If you think that Kairi recipes are difficult and need a lot of preparation, let us tell you that it is not at all the scenario. Konkan Mangoes not only delivers fresh & organic Konkan mangoes from farm to your doorstep but also helps you with the later part! So let’s get started.

Best 4 Raw Mango Instant Recipes

1. 5 Minutes Raw Mango Chutney

This chutney takes 5 minutes to be ready. Literally! It can be served with any typical Indian food or can be eaten with plain rice as well. Since you know how healthy a raw mango is, this dish is going to be a treat to your taste buds as well as your health.


  • 2 raw mangoes
  • 2 tablespoon oil (coconut oil prefered)
  • 1 teaspoon Mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Coriander powder
  • 1 pinch of Asafoetida (Hing)
  • 2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 pinch of Haldi
  • 1 teaspoon Garam Masala
  • 5-6 curry leaves
  • Salt as per taste


  • Fine chop both the kairis
  • Put the chopped kairis in a bowl
  • Add all the spices and salt in the bowl of kairis
  • Mix it well
  • Heat the oil in a small pan & let it heat
  • Add mustard seeds and curry leaves and turn off the flame immediately
  • Add the Tadka in the mixture and your Chutney is ready

Your chutney is ready. You can store this chutney in the fridge for at least a week.

2. Konkan Mango Thokku

This is an authentic South Indian side dish. It can be eaten with plain rice, or as a pickle with meals. Thokku can be stored in the fridge for months. The mixture of raw mango’s tanginess and methi seeds’ saltiness makes it a perfect food item to try this summer.


  • 2 cups of grated raw mangoes (peel the raw mangoes)
  • 1 teaspoon methi seeds
  • 3 teaspoon chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 pinch of Hing
  • 2 tablespoon jaggery
  • Salt as per taste
  • 1 tablespoons of mustard seeds
  • 3 tablespoons of oil


  • Grate the peeled raw mangoes and keep it aside
  • Dry fry the methi seeds on low flame till you start to see a golden brown color
  • Let it cool and make a powder of fried methi seeds
  • Heat oil in a Kadhai & put the grated raw mangoes in it and cook the mangoes for a while
  • Add all the spices and stir well
  • Add the dry powder of methi seeds to the mixture in the Kadhai
  • Temper with 1 tablespoon of oil & mustard seeds

Take good care of your Thokku as it needs special attention! Don’t add a spoon that you already used for something else. Don’t forget to put the Thokku in the fridge after eating.

3. Aam Panna

A perfect drink to hydrate your body in this hot summer. You can prepare tasty & super healthy Aam Panna and store it in the fridge to drink daily. Aam Panna is a sweet beverage that works as a natural heat burner. The recipe is super easy. So let’s get started.


  • ½ kg raw mangoes
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black salt
  • 2 teaspoons roasted & powdered cumin seeds
  • 10-15 mint leaves
  • 2 cups of water


  • Boil the raw Konkan mangoes till the it gets soft
  • Once boiled enough, let it cool a bit and peel off the skin
  • Squeeze out the pulp of Konkan raw mangoes
  • Mix all the ingredients together and blend it
  • Add water and you can also add ice cubes in the glasses while serving

Say bye to packaged drinks full of artificial flavors and say hello to natural Indian best drink for summer.

4. Raw Mango Popsicles

A perfect dessert & a cool breeze in this hot summer! Just the way you love ice creams, you can give a try to our raw mango popsicles.


  • 2 Raw Mangoes
  • 10-15 Mint Leaves (pudina)
  • 1 cup Powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon Rock Salt
  • 1 cup of water
  • Salt as per taste


  • Add chopped raw mangoes, mint leaves (pudina), sugar, cumin powder, black salt, salt, & water in a blender
  • Blend the mixture until smooth
  • Pour the mixture in kulfi/popsicle molds with ice-cream sticks fixed in between
  • Put the molds in fridge overnight or for 8-10 hours
  • Demold the popsicles

You get healthy, sweet, & chilled raw Konkan mango popsicles. Kids would love this recipe.


Try all these 4 raw mango instant recipes and let us know which one you like the most. And if you are wondering where to order original Konkan Mangoes that are organic & at affordable prices, Konkan Mango is the answer. Konkan Mangoes is an online store that brings you the authentic Konkan Mangoes at pocket-friendly prices. Click here to order now!

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Easy and Delicious Mango Recipes

Mango Recipes

Are you still eating Konkan Mango in the same old style; Aam Ras? Though Aam Ras is Amrit, there are plenty of amazing other ways of eating or drinking Konkan mango. In this blog, I am going to share the most popular Konkan Mango recipes. So let’s start.

4 Easy and Delicious Mango Recipes

1. Mango Shrikhand

One of the most popular mango dessert recipes in Maharashtra & Gujarat, Mango Shrikhand, also known as Aamrakhand is everybody’s favorite! Let’s learn the authentic recipe


  • 1 kg curd
  • 4 Konkan Mangoes
  • 1 bowl sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Ilaichi powder
  • 4 teaspoons of dry fruits


Wrap the 1 kg curd in a Silk or cotton cloth and hang the curd overnight so the water drains away and you get a thick ball of Chakka. Put the pulp of Konkan Mango in the mixer bowl and make a puree of it. Simply mix all the ingredients; Chakka, pulp, sugar powder, & ilaichi powder together to get Aamrakhand! Also, top the Aamrakhand with chopped dry fruits.

2. Mango Mastani

A popular mango mango dessert recipe from Pune; Mango Mastani. Let’s see how Punekars enjoy Konkan mangoes.


  • 4 Konkan Mangoes
  • 2 glasses of full cream milk
  • ½ bowl sugar
  • Dry fruits
  • 4 scoops of mango/vanilla ice cream
  • 2 teaspoons of tutti frutti


Milk, mango pulp, & sugar, grind everything well in a mixer jar. Serve it in 4 glasses. Add 1 scoop to each glass. Top with dry fruits and tutti frutti. It’s that simple!

3. Mango Lassi

Beat the heat with mango lassi and we tell you how to prepare it in the simplest possible way. So let’s get started.


  • 1 glass of thick curd
  • Mango pulp of 2 Konkan mangoes
  • 4 teaspoon sugar


Simply put all the ingredients together in a mixer jar and grind it well. Tada! Mango Lassi is ready! Serves 2 glasses.

4. Instant Kairi Chutney

Chop 2 raw mangoes (kairis) and put them in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon chili powder, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon haldi, 1 teaspoon dhaniya powder, ½ teaspoon garam masala. Then give tadka of oil, hing, mustard seeds (sarso seeds), & curry leaves. Add tadka to the bowl of mixed spices & kairi pieces and your instant kairi chutney is ready.


This year when you order original & organic hapus mangoes online from Konkan Mangoes, try these above recipes along with Aamras. Click here to order now!

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How to ripen Konkan Mangoes naturally?

how to ripen mangoes

Summer is here! Despite unbearable heat & extreme temperatures, summer brings a bunch of joy every year. The joy is school holidays for kids, enjoying summer vacations, unlimited ice cream parties, late-night walks to catch some cold breezes, and most importantly, MANGOES!!

We all await this time of the year with the hope of eating loads of mango dishes. Filling our tummies with delicious mango milkshakes, mango ice creams, mango barfis, & the list goes on Since entire India awaits this season just to devour on mangoes, the demand for mangoes has always seen a hiking graph. To fulfill the demand in the market, to beat the competition, & to gain maximum profits, many sellers rush the natural ripening process by using artificial solutions.

Most of the fruit distributors & farmers use calcium carbide and 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid. In artificial ripening, the natural process of fruit ripening is mimicked using chemicals. The artificial chemicals decompose ethylene which is involved in fruit ripening. Needless to say, these chemicals are harmful to human bodies.

There can be extreme side effects of such artificial ripening chemicals on our body that may include burning sensation in the chest, skin rashes, poor eyesight, throat irritation, nose irritation, etc.

Since mangoes are favorites of kids to elders, it is important to check whether the fruit is naturally ripened or not. There are multiple standard-defined methods for Konkan mango ripening. Before we start with how to ripen mangoes quickly at home, here is a small tip- if you are ordering Konkan mangoes online, make sure you select raw mangoes or semi-raw mangoes. Our Konkan Mangoes online store for mangoes offers semi-ripened fruits to allow customers to ripen them at home in their suitable way.

How to Ripen Mangoes Quickly at Home

1. Use Hay

One of the rawest methods of ripening unripe Konkan mangoes is to put them in the hay. Hay is dried grass. You can get hay easily from a nearby garden or playground. You can also buy hay! The mangoes then emit ethylene which fastens the process of ripening.

2. Put in a Paper Bag

This is one super convenient way to ripen the mangoes in a natural way. Simply put the mangoes in a paper bag and leave those mangoes overnight. Check whether the mangoes are emitting a fruity sweet fragrance and if they are softened. If not, place them in the paper bag for one more day.

3. Put it in Uncooked Rice

You must have heard this from your mother or grandmother. Any unripe fruit can be ripened by placing it in a box of uncooked rice. Uncooked rice traps ethylene gas and boosts the process of natural ripening. Make sure you check on the mangoes after every 8 hours to track the ripening progress. If you forget to check the ripening progress and keep mangoes for too long, you might end up getting bad mangoes as well as bad rice!

4. Wait & Watch

Even if you do not have hay or a paper bag, you can still ripen the mangoes naturally. Simply place all the mangoes on the kitchen shelf and let them ripen at room temperature naturally. Make sure you maintain a small gap between each mango so that even if any mango goes bad, it won’t affect other mangoes. Also, note that placing unripe mangoes in the refrigerator can slow down the ripening speed. Hence, when all Konkan mangoes are ripe & semi-ripe, you can place the semi-ripe mangoes in the refrigerator.


Though ripening Konkan mangoes naturally is a fun & exciting thing to do, it involves a lot of effort. To get rid of these efforts, you can simply purchase authentic Konkan Mangoes online and get naturally ripened mangoes. Order from Konkan Mangoes and receive tasty, juicy, chemical-free, & ripened in hay Konkan Mangoes. Click here to place your order today.